How frequency works 

  1. Everything is energy, including you.
  2. Everything vibrates at a particular frequency, including you.
  3. You create your reality with your frequency – which consists of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
  4. Every thought and belief you have produces a specific frequency (ranging from low to high) and sends a signal out, just like a radio broadcast. 
  5. Your emotions amplify the signal, making it more powerful in drawing an event back to you. 
  6. You draw back to yourself people, experiences, and circumstances (ranging from low to high) that match your frequency. 
  7. The state of your frequency is directly responsible for the quality of your life and experiences. Your life is literally a reflection of your frequency.
  8. Each of our individual frequencies contributes to and creates our collective reality. Our world is a reflection of our collective beliefs.

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