
The Frequency of Leadership is a practical, action-oriented process and set of practices designed to help leaders raise their frequency to transform their lives and leadership. It is the outcome of 30 years of learning, leading, synthesizing, and teaching, and the result of many influences coming together to create a unique offering:

  • A lifetime of exploring how consciousness and our reality work and discovering who and what we truly are.
  • Learning from many wise and loving teachers and mentors.
  • Applying what we’ve learned so that what we teach is the outcome of our informed and direct personal experiences.
  • A distilled set of the most powerful practices we’ve experienced - uniquely adapted for the purposes of raising your frequency and aligning with your natural state of being.
  • The culmination of our individual personal experiences, discoveries, realizations, insights, awakenings, and ongoing transformation.

We believe no one is successful on their own, and we are immensely grateful to those who came before us and those teachers, past and present, who taught and inspired us. In addition to our own realizations, they have all contributed to our knowledge, expanded our understanding, and significantly impacted our lives. 

We want to acknowledge and say thank you to our many teachers:


Alex Collier

Asil Toksal and the Elohim

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Dan Siegel

David Clements and the Elohim

Dr. Devatara Holman

Dolores Cannon

Eckhart Tolle

Elena Danaan

Ellen Tadd

Dr. Francesca McCartney

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Jo Dunning

Dr. Joe Dispenza

John Vivanco

Julieanne Conard & Prageet Harris and Alcazar

Kelly Thebo and The Collective

Krista Tippett

Lee Carroll and Kryon

Lee Harris and the Z’s

L/L Research

Lynne McTaggart

Mark Gober

Michael Singer 

Mind & Life Institute

Paul Selig and the Guides

Dr. Richard J. Davidson


Satya Narayana Goenka

Dr. Samuel Sagan

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute

Sharon Loy

Stanford Research Institute

Steven Lumiere

Tara Brach

Tarika Lovegarden

Tom Kenyon and the Hathors

Tristan Dorling

Viviane Chauvet

Wendy Kennedy and the P’s

Wisdom 2.0

Artwork by Sincerely Media on Unsplash


The Frequency of Leadership is a practical, action-oriented process and set of practices designed to help leaders raise their frequency to transform their lives and leadership. It is the outcome of 30 years of learning, leading, synthesizing, and teaching, and the result of many influences coming together to create a unique offering:

  • A lifetime of exploring how consciousness and our reality work and discovering who and what we truly are.
  • Learning from many wise and loving teachers and mentors.
  • Applying what we’ve learned so that what we teach is the outcome of our informed and direct personal experiences.
  • A distilled set of the most powerful practices we’ve experienced - uniquely adapted for the purposes of raising your frequency and aligning with your natural state of being.
  • The culmination of our individual personal experiences, discoveries, realizations, insights, awakenings, and ongoing transformation.

We believe no one is successful on their own, and we are immensely grateful to those who came before us and those teachers, past and present, who taught and inspired us. In addition to our own realizations, they have all contributed to our knowledge, expanded our understanding, and significantly impacted our lives. 

We want to acknowledge and say thank you to our many teachers:


Alex Collier

Asil Toksal and the Elohim

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr. Dan Siegel

David Clements and the Elohim

Dr. Devatara Holman

Dolores Cannon

Eckhart Tolle

Elena Danaan

Ellen Tadd

Dr. Francesca McCartney

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Jo Dunning

Dr. Joe Dispenza

John Vivanco

Julieanne Conard & Prageet Harris and Alcazar

Kelly Thebo and The Collective

Krista Tippett

Lee Carroll and Kryon

Lee Harris and the Z’s

L/L Research

Lynne McTaggart

Mark Gober

Michael Singer 

Mind & Life Institute

Paul Selig and the Guides

Dr. Richard J. Davidson


Satya Narayana Goenka

Dr. Samuel Sagan

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute

Sharon Loy

Stanford Research Institute

Steven Lumiere

Tara Brach

Tarika Lovegarden

Tom Kenyon and the Hathors

Tristan Dorling

Viviane Chauvet

Wendy Kennedy and the P’s

Wisdom 2.0

Artwork by Richard Horvath on Unsplash

Live and Lead from Your Highest Frequency

Start raising your frequency today with The Essentials, a free 5-day video series.

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