The Frequency of Leadership Course 

A 5-week online course empowering you to live and lead from your highest frequency and create the world you envision

Sign up to be notified about our next cohort and receive our free 5-day video series, The Essentials

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How much time have you invested in self-improvement but still haven't experienced the transformation you desire?


Lasting transformation doesn’t come through endless self-improvement. 

It comes through a process of self-realization and releasing limitations. 

Maybe you’ve worked with coaches, attended workshops, and applied the latest frameworks but continue to struggle with the same challenges.

Why is that?

Because most of us don't understand our direct role in creating our reality, so we often create unconsciously. 

You create your reality with your frequency

Your frequency consists of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions - the vast majority of which are running on a subconscious level. 

Just like a radio station, your frequency is broadcast into the world in every moment, drawing back to you people, experiences, and circumstances that are in resonance with you. This is physics.

As you become more aware of your frequency, you become more powerful in your ability to create the change you desire.

Who Teaches The Frequency of Leadership

Hi, I'm Tyler


My life, career, and direct experiences have led me to an expanded understanding of leadership.

We are unlimited, multidimensional beings, and we create our reality with our frequency. We are far more powerful than we realize.

All change starts within you. When you choose to align with your highest frequency, you unlock your full potential.

It is my desire to empower leaders like you to raise your frequency to transform your life, your leadership, and, ultimately, our world.

Step into your full power


So many of us sense there’s something greater to understand about ourselves and our reality...  

The old paradigm focuses on striving to become better and working harder. 

The new paradigm is grounded in rediscovering that you are already complete. There is nothing to fix, strive for, or become.

Through a process of releasing limiting beliefs and conditioning, your frequency effortlessly elevates, and you begin to realign with your natural state of being - which is unlimited.

While there are countless leadership courses, unfortunately, very few teach the foundational principles of frequency or how to align with your unlimited nature. 

Working with these principles will radically transform your life


The Frequency of Leadership Course  


Over the past eight years, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients worldwide and have honed the best way to learn and apply life-changing skills. 

The 5-week online experience is designed to accelerate your transformation:

  • A pause from the usual rush of your day-to-day commitments to focus on you and take in the bigger picture.
  • Powerful knowledge, skills, and practices to catalyze your personal growth.
  • A safe and supportive environment where we’ll explore how frequency works. You’ll apply the principles and have your own direct experience.
  • An opportunity to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level and rediscover your innate wisdom and unlimited power.
  • A vibrant community to learn and grow with who, like you, are committed to realizing their full potential and leading the paradigm shift in consciousness.

Three essential elements 

1. The energy of a live course and accountability of a cohort to support and inspire you. 

The course is taught live, is action-oriented, and experiential. Learning is better with community; we use the energy of cohorts to enhance your learning experience. After the 5-week experience, continue your journey in our private community for alums, where you can connect for inspiration and support. 

2. A set of foundational skills and practices that empower you to elevate your frequency and create lasting transformation.
3. Channeled alignment energy to accelerate your growth and bring you into greater alignment with your natural state of being - which is unlimited. 

During sessions, Tyler channels alignment energy so you can experience higher frequencies directly. The energy is intelligent, tailoring itself to your unique needs and supports you to release limitations with greater ease.

What you'll learn and experience during the course

Raising your frequency will transform every aspect of your life. 

Here’s what some of our clients say…

"The Frequency of Leadership has been a game changer for my business and life. My previous skepticism around phases like “abundance” and “limiting beliefs” has been turned on its head. After the essential science behind frequency work, the recommended practices and energy channeling had quick results. New clients showed up happy to pay what my services are worth and my programs filled. My frequency and intention setting opened the door for other people to join me on my path, offering to help move my initiatives forward. 

Among the most powerful outcomes of the program is that I have dropped my limiting belief around time scarcity. A whole new world has opened with this shift. I feel at ease, confident, empowered, and in absolute flow in my life. Having acquired many individual tools over the years to support my personal and professional growth, this experience has given me the equivalent of a symphony conductor’s baton to direct my best life."

-Martha Brettschneider

"Wow, I can't express how amazed I am by the incredible results I've experienced from the Frequency of Leadership and Tyler’s coaching. It's completely transformed the way I approach each day as a business leader. From the moment I started using the skills and practices, I noticed a remarkable difference in building mutual trust with my colleagues, transforming my past limiting beliefs, and believing in new possibilities I can achieve in my work and life. How empowering!

Not only that, but the wisdom and guidance provided by Tyler is exceptional. I've benefited from other leadership development and personal growth programs in the past, but this is ‘next level’ in its power and impact. If you're looking for a game-changer and bring a spirit of curiosity and commitment to the practices, you can create the change you desire in your work and life."

-Heather Dawson

The Frequency of Leadership is the outcome of 30 years of learning, synthesizing, teaching, and leading

It is a lifetime of exploring consciousness, combined with firsthand experiences of expanded states of awareness, distilled into a clear, actionable framework you can immediately incorporate into your daily life. It is also the result of a series of powerful awakenings beginning in 2018 that opened my ability to channel alignment energy. 

The Frequency of Leadership provides foundational skills and practices that will serve you for the rest of your life

I led teacher training at Search Inside Yourself Global, where we taught mindfulness-based emotional intelligence to global leaders. We charged $20,000 - $25,000 to teach the 2-day SIY training to professionals at some of the world’s leading organizations, including:

Training can be expensive. Personal leadership coaches can cost between $100-$500/ hour. Multi-day retreat tuition can start at $2,000 and doesn’t include travel, accommodations, or the costs of taking time off. Other high-end leadership and self-development experiences can cost upwards of $8,000+ per person and are often only available to corporate executives.

We're excited to offer that same level of life-changing training to leaders who aspire to realize their highest potential. 

For $1,499, you’ll receive all that you need to start elevating your life and leadership. Our 5-week online course is taught live and includes group coaching and a private community to support your ongoing journey.

The key to transformation is understanding and aligning with your highest frequency. 

The principles you’ll learn and experience are invaluable.


Join The Frequency of Leadership Course

What's Included:

  • A 5-week live online course.
  • Weekly 2-hour sessions, including Group Coaching, Q&A, and Channeled Alignment Energy.
  • Optional 1-hour weekly Practice/Q&A sessions.
  • Weekly pre-work to encourage insights and realizations before each session.
  • A private learning space hosted on Circle where you’ll access your course materials. All sessions are recorded.
  • Access to a private community for Frequency of Leadership alums. Connect with the community for inspiration and support.



Enrollment for our next cohort will open soon. Sign up to be notified and receive our free 5-day video series, The Essentials.

Add me to the waitlist

Can't make the cohort dates and times? Prefer to work on-on-one? Reach out to us to discuss additional options. Click here to schedule a free call.

Seeking to elevate your team or bring this to your organization? We'd love to work with you. Click here to schedule a free call.


How will this transform my life and leadership?

The state of your frequency is directly responsible for the quality of your life and the effectiveness of your leadership. 

As you raise your frequency, you become more powerful in your ability to create the lasting change you envision for yourself and our world.

Applying these principles and skills will support you to:

  1. Fundamentally shift your perspective on how we create our reality
  2. Be fully empowered as a conscious creator and leader
  3. Confidently create what you want with less time and effort
  4. Release self-limiting beliefs and conditioning that hold you back
  5. Navigate challenges and uncertainty with greater ease 
  6. Find greater clarity and make more aligned decisions 
  7. Experience deeper levels of creativity, freedom, and flow 
  8. Experience greater awareness, focus, and presence
  9. Feel more fulfilled and experience greater well-being
  10. Be more effective and amplify your impact
  11. Elevate your life and inspire those around you
  12. Unlock your full power as a human being and leader

"If you're contemplating taking The Frequency of Leadership, I highly recommend it. The program focuses on an area many people overlook: the energy you bring into your interactions and relationships. There's plenty of learning, but even more practicing... so that you can experience the sense of calm and self-assurance that can be your daily reality. Even writing these words are causing my body to relax, as I sink back into the wonderful sensations each Frequency of Leadership session brought me."

- Bruce Kasanoff

How is this different from other leadership courses?

While there are countless leadership courses, unfortunately, very few teach the foundational principles of frequency or how to align with your unlimited nature.

The Frequency of Leadership Course is: 


How our clients report benefiting from the course

During and after the course clients experience many of the following:

  1. Feeling empowered and confident to create what they want
  2. Less stress and anxiety 
  3. Deeper levels of peace, calm, and ease
  4. More flow throughout the day with less effort
  5. More energy, vitality, and improved health
  6. Greater levels of clarity and focus
  7. A greater capacity to navigate challenges 
  8. Deeper levels of self-acceptance, compassion, and love 
  9. More meaningful connections and transformed relationships 
  10. Greater levels of creativity and a renewed sense of possibility
  11. More joy, meaning, and fulfillment
  12. A deeper alignment to their greater purpose

"I've been fascinated and impressed by Tyler and Susan's approach to creating results in both my personal and professional life. Never before did I appreciate how much my own thoughts and emotions were unconsciously steering the direction of things in my life. 

I applied the principles of Choice and Alignment to two situations I was facing: a project I was leading at work and the search for a new home. I will summarize a long story by simply saying it worked. The practices helped me find what was really in my heart, and, voila, things began falling into place. The 5-week experience was deeply transformative, and I highly recommend it."

- Peter Bonanno

"Throughout my career, I have consistently sought opportunities for meaningful leadership development and personal growth. What sets Tyler apart is his unique ability to combine practical leadership strategies with a deep understanding of holistic approaches. Tyler holds space with compassion, warmth, care and professionalism, creating a safe and supportive environment for depth, exploration, and transformation. After the sessions I feel more joyful, connected, and at ease. Thank you, Tyler! "

- Carolina Lasso


Join The Frequency of Leadership Course

What's Included:

  • A 5-week live online course.
  • Weekly 2-hour sessions, including Group Coaching, Q&A, and Channeled Alignment Energy.
  • Optional 1-hour weekly Practice/Q&A sessions.
  • Weekly pre-work to encourage insights and realizations before each session.
  • A private learning space hosted on Circle where you’ll access your course materials. All sessions are recorded.
  • Access to a private community for Frequency of Leadership alums. Connect with the community for inspiration and support.



Enrollment for our next cohort will open soon. Sign up to be notified and receive our free 5-day video series, The Essentials.

Add me to the waitlist

Can't make the cohort dates and times? Prefer to work on-on-one? Reach out to us to discuss additional options. Click here to schedule a free call.

Seeking to elevate your team or bring this to your organization? We'd love to work with you. Click here to schedule a free call.


Envision Your Transformation


Take this moment to slow down.

Close your eyes. Take a long, slow, deep breath. Feel your feet on the ground. 

Move into your heart and immerse yourself in the total freedom of possibility. Give yourself permission to dream. In this state of being, you are unlimited. Feel this in your body.

You are unlimited in your ability to create and worthy of whatever you desire to experience. There is no one and nothing holding you back. 

What do you want to create for yourself? What do you envision for our world? 

Whatever answers come into your awareness, know this: it is possible, and your frequency is the key. 

Elevate your frequency and align with your highest potential.

You are far more powerful than you realize.

I hope you’ll consider joining me and many others on this grand adventure of awakening and transformation. 

Much love,



Frequently Asked Questions

Live and Lead from Your Highest Frequency

Start raising your frequency today with The Essentials, a free 5-day video series.

Yes, send me the essentials!